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I seek to create positive and ethical lifestyle change, develop ecological and environmental harmony, stability for future generations, and teach appropriate technologies that regenerate. I seek to immerse ourselves in the landscape and harness all possibilities of an understanding of place.


There is significant benefit when intellectual knowledge is translated into personal experience, and right and appropriate action. I seek to foster true self‑ reliance through design and hands‑on, nuts and bolts application for builders, home‑owners, landowners, urban dwellers, farmers, gardeners, ranchers, educators, organizers, communities, businesses, students, architects, environmentalists, regional planners, developers, and so on.


Ultimately, we can achieve balance and health by synthesizing the synergy of applied biology, eco-technology and integrative architecture: the fusion of renewable energies and biological-earth systems.


The ethics and principles of Permaculture orient my services. There are many folks that have contributed to the design methodologies that we know and use today. Browse each of the PDFs listed below for a basic overview of the ethics, principles and various methodologies of Permaculture:


Summary of the Ethics and Principles of Permaculture

The Structure of Pattern Languages by Nikos A. Salingaros

Christopher Alexander – Phenomenology of Wholeness

The Smart Code System of Andres Duany

The Scale of Permanence by P.A. Yeomans and Others

Christopher Alexander – Design Basics

Design Notes from Ken Yeang

Mapping Energy Flows by Howard T Odum

Holistic Management by Alan Savory

On Permaculture Design – More Thoughts


Alex and his professional team of associates, expert designers, and technicians, will create a master plan with you that will move you along a simple trajectory to food self sufficiency, ecologically sound living, energy efficiency and ecosystem restoration on your property. Heaven On Earth delivers and organizes top-notch training events, workshops, and consultations all over the world. We have our finger on the pulse of the latest and most effective methods, techniques, and appropriate technologies so you can learn what is essential in order to move forward with the regeneration of your enterprise, family, landscape and community. Get in touch with Alex now and get started!


How much does a Professional consultation service cost?


Heaven On Earth works on a project based fee. Once the parameters of the project are worked through with the client Heaven On Earth presents a proposal to the client for approval. There are additional fees for travel time, travel expenses, meals, and lodging.


Educational services
































For trainings, Heaven On Earth has a range of pricing structures that are negotiated with the venue. There is an initial base fee and a percentage from each student based on minimum and maximum enrollees. There are additional fees for travel time, travel expenses, meals, and lodging. Shorter courses, lectures, and workshops are negotiable based on a per day basis. 


How does a Heaven On Earth design process work? 


Heaven On Earth offers consulting services that are performed using all or portions of an 8-phase comprehensive design and implementation process. Consultations include one or more of the following: assessment and inventory of property, GPS/GIS, Sketchup animation, CAD drawings, hand drawings, drone surveys, drone camera pictures and videos (aerials)


Here are some of the GIS Data and Mapping Solutions for site assessment and master planning we may utilize:


  • Data Design, Data Generation, Data Discovery

  • Environmental Analysis

  • Print and Digital Mapping

  • Large Format Printing

  • Field Data Collection Systems and Services

  • Internet GIS Services (e.g. Website Mapping Applications such as Google Maps, Open Layers, Leaflet; Data Hosting (PostGIS)


Maps and Documents for Clients Printed Site Designs [and Online Interactive Maps] Interactive Maps


  • Basemaps

    • Satellite Imagery

    • Aerial Photos

    • Terrain Maps… USGS Topographic Maps

    • Online Basemaps (ie. Google, Bing, etc.)

  • Planning Layers

    • Zoning

    • Easements

    • Tax Maps

  • Land Use

    • Current

    • Historic and Cultural Resources

  • Land Cover

    • Forests

    • Wetlands

    • historical uses (stone walls, burial sites, etc.)

  • Hydrological Layers

    • Soil Hydrology

    • Watersheds ( sub watersheds)

    • Surface Water (lakes, streams, rivers, etc.)

    • Groundwater Resources (aquifers)

    • Flood maps

    • Wetlands

  • Geology

  • Elevation

    • USGS Topographic Maps

    • Contours

    • Shaded relief

  • Climate

    • Average temps

    • Rainfall

    • Winds

    • Severe weather potential / extremes

  • Sun Related

    • Sun path

  • Ecological Layers

    • Biodiversity

    • Rare and Endangered Species


  • Site Overview (Maps and text)

    • site

    • city

    • county

    • state

    • region

  • Historical Information


  • GIS

    • QGIS

    • ESRI ArcGIS

  • CAD

  • Raster and Vector Editors

    • Illustrator

    • Photoshop

    • Inkscape


How long does it take to get a Heaven On Earth design (master plan) completed?


We have a 1-month turnaround on our master planning design work: concept plans and a full narrative report.


How did Heaven On Earth come about?


Alex Landry, founder of Heaven On Earth , has been doing this work and putting these systems on the ground from Florida to Hawaii. He is an avid student of Nature and perpetual learner in the field of Permaculture education and design. He has traveled and worked all over the world, studied countless topics and techniques, got his fingers into whatever would complement and enhance his work so that he could translate the essentials to his students and clients. He enjoys putting whatever he learned into application, making it real in the physical world, infusing solutions into matter, creating life-enhancing tools for the restoration of land and health of the people. Farming, gardening, animal husbandry, water management, etc, a comprehensive perspective that takes in all areas of a conscious lifestyle by design. Heaven On Earth is an outgrowth of the need to bring balance and health back to the land, to facilitate people integrating themselves seamlessly into the landscape, to help people become stewards of this earth. Get connected with Heaven On Earth and learn. Come and change your life. Come and experience the next step, and discover care of earth, care of people, fair share! See details about each of our Project Phases below pictures.

Permaculture Consulting


Phase I


  • Initial discussion with client (developing protocols)

  • Research: history of land and inhabitants, land tenure, institutional analysis (businesses)

  • Holistic goal, vision, mission development (client)

  • Geopolitical assessment and bioregional delineation

  • Values, objectives, goals, needs, wants

  • Available budget delineation


Phase II


  • Training in methodologies of Permaculture for representatives of all involved in the site: stakeholders that live and work at and maintain the site

  • This typically requires a minimum three-day introduction to Permaculture methodologies and principles or full PDC

  • Comprehension of the Permaculture design system and the protocols for the Permaculture site design process

  • Understand the basic Permaculture design strategies for water, soil, gardens, trees, climatic zones, structures, and communities

  • Apply Permaculture teachings to your site

  • Articulate the Permaculture design system and apply it through ongoing implementation, maintenance and management


Some of the applicable topics in Heaven On Earth training:


  • Primitive living skills 

  • Pastoralism

  • Settlement, village life-ways and folkways 

  • Map building and modeling

  • Permaculture principles 

  • Concepts and themes in design 

  • The local ecosystem 

  • Forms of eco-gardening and farming 

  • Broad scale, bioregional site design 

  • The application of specific methods, laws and principles to design 

  • Pattern understanding and observation skills

  • Climatic factors

  • Plants and trees and their energy interactions 

  • Water: collection, storage, purification

  • Soils 

  • Earth-working and earth resources

  • Infrastructure and roads

  • Zone and sector analysis 

  • Food forests and small animal husbandry, forest management 

  • Cropping and large animal husbandry 

  • Harvest and utility forests 

  • Natural forests 

  • Land and forest restoration

  • Aquaculture 

  • Planning the homestead 

  • “Green” structures, ecological building practices 

  • Craftwork and chores, machinery

  • “Natural” medicine

  • Clothing

  • Cooking and food preservation 

  • Equipment, tools, bio-fuels and vehicles 

  • Renewable energy, system design and implementation

  • Energy conservation 

  • Biological waste management and recycling

  • Strategies for different climates 

  • Urban and suburban strategies

  • Small farm and garden management and marketing

  • Project planning, budgets and timelines

  • Office procedures

  • Building and planning software

  • Communications

  • Emergency preparations, safety procedures

  • Building codes

  • Strategies of an alternative global nation 

  • Political, social, economic issues and solutions

  • Designing public policy

  • Designing sustainable economy

  • Human settlement and local ecology 

  • Site selection, mapping and modeling

  • Dividing, distributing, apportioning land

  • Practical work on design


Phase III


  • A full assessment is tantamount to any further work on a project. In order to realize the most efficacious plan, based on ecosystem services endemic to a property, a full assessment and inventory of a land base is a prerequisite for making decisions for maximum health and high yield. All decisions made by the client and designers are predicated on what is already present on a site and the principle that we make the “least change for greatest affect”. This is delineated through PA Yeoman’s Scale of Permanence and through points taken from Holistic Management and the methodologies and principles of Permaculture whole system design.

  • This phase lays the groundwork for the next phases in the design process, the design charrette and master plan. We proceed by observing, taking measurements, setting a vision and goals for the property, and creating an assessment report. We examine local climate information, geological and soil study for the bioregion, native and settlement history, local plant and animal delineation, and perform general ecological analysis of the landscape. The result of this work is documented and utilized during comprehensive planning in the next phases. The natural forces and energies flowing through a property are noted and observed with an eye to recommending ways to create high yields and comfortable living for those involved.

  • An on-site assessment and research are completed

  • The design team examines abiotic and biotic factors, physical, biological and cultural attributes, landform, built environment, energy sources, present and historical land use features, activity nodes and corridors, critical habitat foundations, soil composition, vegetation composition and cover, successional pattern and plant productivity, wildlife corridors, water resources, climatological factors, the waste stream

  • Recommendations are made and discussed with the client based on the assessment and expressed needs, suitability analysis, and the whys and wherefores of transitioning into a comprehensive Permaculture “green” environment


We have taken the lead from Steven Apfelbaum and Alan W. Haney from their book, “The Restoring Ecological Health to your Land Workbook”. These are the important steps that they have delineated in order to put essential ecological restoration into motion; click on the link below for a PDF of the 10 Steps.



Ten Steps in a Successful Ecological Restoration and Site Planning


Phase IV


  • A Design Charrette is held with representatives of all those designing, implementing, occupying and using the site

  • A design charrette is a meeting with all stakeholders: an intensive process involving one or more sessions where each stakeholder has the opportunity to reveal and express their thoughts and goals for the project


Phase V


  • Create a master plan

  • The master plan is a concept map with a corresponding narrative and related appendices that depicts the needs and ideas of the client (and all stakeholders) and the designer’s experience in defining what is best for the land and the people that inhabit it

  • The master plan, built on the foundation of the assessment work completed in the early phases, begins in earnest with the intensive design charette performed in Phase IV with all stakeholders involved in the project. Subsequently, the designer reviews and collates all materials collected and works them into a master plan. The designer looks closely at code requirements, zoning, budget, and potential time lines for future implementation

  • A narrative and full set of hand-drawn or CAD drawings are prepared. An initial timeline for design and implementation is outlined


Phase VI


  • The design team and contractors produce construction drawings, budget, action steps and an implementation timeline

  • Using the Master Plan as a guide, the designer and the client work with selected architects, engineers, and contractors to create a full set of construction drawings, budgets, timelines for the project


Phase VII


  • Delineate an implementation plan.

  • Construct a proposed timeline for installation, phases of construction and planting recommendations.

  • Implementation (contract and sub-contract work)

  • We assist the client in finding qualified contractors to put the project on the ground

  • We also have teams located in different regions around the country that we recommend for implementation


Phase VIII

  • Manage, maintain, monitor (ongoing)

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