10 Reasons Why Permaculture Designers Are So Expensive
1. A permaculture designer might go through ten different designs before landing on the one that the actual client sees at the end of the day.
2. A permaculture designer might go through ten more designs before landing on the revised design the actual client sees after addressing said client’s comments and concerns.
3. A permaculture designer must think about how each designed element will behave on a site-by-site basis.
4. A permaculture designer must think about how every element designed relates to all other elements designed.
5. Although the client usually only sees a two
-deminsional plan, a permaculture designer has also designed the entire vertical dimension in their mind as well.
6. Conducting an accurate site survey can take a surprising amount of time.
7. A permaculture designer will often make sure the materials proposed for a design can be found locally.
8. Permaculture designers pay meticulous attention to plant selection and environmental concerns.
9. Designing to scale requires a level of accuracy above and beyond creating “a pretty picture”.
10. Permaculture designers must always account for a communication learning curve with each new client.